2019 WCCAS Conference
The 13th Annual WCCAS Conference held on May 7th, 2019, at the Ranchmen’s Club in Calgary.
Panel No. 1: Legal Update
Presented by:
Julie G. Hopkins, FCIArb., Counsel, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Calgary, AB
Ludmila B. Herbst QC, Partner, Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP, Vancouver, BC
Panel No. 2: Technology – Best Practices in Arbitration
Presented by:
Vasilis F. L. Pappas, Partner, Bennett Jones LLP, Calgary, AB (Chair)
Gary Benton, FCIArb., Chairman, Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center (SVMAC), Palo Alto, CA
Edward “Trey” Bergman III, FCIArb., Principal, Bergman ADR Group, Houston, TX
Peter D. Ruby, Partner, Goodmans LLP, Toronto, ON
Panel No. 3: Hot Topics Part 1
Presented by:
Murray L. Smith, FCIArb., Smith Barristers, Vancouver, BC (Chair)
Murray A. Clemens QC, FCIArb., Partner, Nathanson Schacter & Thomson LLP, Vancouver, BC
Leslie E. Maerov, FCIArb., Independent Arbitrator, Vancouver, BC. Please click here to consult Mr. Maerov’s presentation concerning Urgent Interim Measures.
Ann Ryan Robertson, FCIArb., International Partner, Locke Lord LLP, Houston, TX
Featured Address: Artificial Intelligence
Presented by Dr. Ian Hargreaves, Director, ATB Brain at ATB Financial, Calgary, AB
Panel No. 4: Experts – Cost and Delay
Presented by:
William J. Kenny QC, FCIArb., Partner, Miller Thomson LLP, Edmonton, AB (Chair)
Helmut K. Johannsen PEng, CArb, FCIArb., Counsel, Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP, Vancouver, BC
Thomas Krikke PEng, Principal, Krikke Consulting, Duncan, BC. Please click here to consult Mr. Krikke’s presentation concerning Expert Support of Arbitration Tribunals.
Christopher J. O’Connor QC, FCIArb., Principal, O’Connor Dispute Resolution, Qualicum, BC. Please click here to view Mr. O’Connor’s presentation concerning Construction Scheduling Trends.
Panel No. 5: Cyber Security in the Arbitration World
Presented by:
Tina Cicchetti, Independent Arbitrator, Vancouver Chambers, Vancouver, BC (Chair). Please click here to view Ms. Cicchetti’s presentation regarding Cybersecurity.
Imran Ahmad, Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Toronto, ON
Stephanie L. Cohen, Independent Arbitrator, Brooklyn, NY
Panel No. 6: Three Perspectives on Experts
Presented by:
David V. Tupper, Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Calgary, AB (Chair)
Patricia (Trish) L. Morrison, Partner, Borden Ladner Gerbais LLP, Calgary, AB
Bailey Rivard CPA, CA IFA, CBV, CFE, CFF. Partner, MNP, Calgary, AB
Jack Marshall QC, Independent Arbitrator, Calgary Energy & Commercial Arbitrators (CECA), Calgary, AB (Chair)
Panel No. 7: Hot Topics Part 2
Presented by:
Joseph C. McArthur, FCIArb., Parnter, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Vancouver, BC (Chair)
Bryan C. Duguid QC, FCIArb., Partner, Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP, Calgary, AB
Gerald W. Ghikas QC, FCIArb., Independent Arbitrator, Vancouver Arbitration Chambers, Vancouver, BC
Rachel A. Howie, Dentons Canada LLP, Calgary, AB